...you get the picture. I finally made it. ONE WHOLE YEAR!
Well, it's been fun. In case you were wondering, this project was a great one for me to accomplish. At first it was fine. Easy peasy. But then towards the middle it got harder to take a picture everyday. I had to make myself do it on most days otherwise I would forget or become too lazy. I do admit that a lot of my pictures were last minute thoughts and super crappy, but whether my pictures were good or bad, they still made me think. And by thinking, I had a certain creative side of me come out that has helped me throughout.
You may be as sad as me to know that this is my last picture for this blog. But don't you worry your little pants off. I have some more ideas in mind that I'm still thinking about for future photo posts for y'all to look at and enjoy. So I'll try and keep you posted somehow.
and in case you're wondering if I'll ever do this again... the answer is HECK YES! and like I said, I'll keep you posted.
thanks to everyone who helped me keep going. Thank you for your ideas, support, and especially the comments. I looked forward to those.
goodnight and goodbye!