
You know what sucks more than me not uploading for a few days?? Well let me tell you, I DID take pictures both on Monday and yesterday, but yesterday when I tried to upload them on the computer, they somehow magically got deleted. So pretty much I don't have the original pictures for those days, but I promise you I did take some. So I just took a few other random one's last night to make up for them.
This is a page from my journal that I was working on on Monday night. I usually don't share my journal with people, so consider yourself lucky. But on Sunday I was drawing these weird people that I learned how to draw in 7th grade cartooning and I remembered how much I liked them. So I drew two people (a boy and a girl) kind of dancing and behind them the page is filled with lyrics from 'On the Wing' by Owl City.
"I am floating away lost in a silent ballet I'm dreaming you're out in the blue and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view"
that's my new fave owl city song. i was trying to read the words thinking I was being all snoopy and then was like.. oh. they're not real journal words. haha ;)
on the wing is totally my favorite song! (along with if my heart was a house...) and those circle people would put my stick people to shame! haha <3
on the wing is totally my favorite song! (along with if my heart was a house...) and those circle people would put my stick people to shame! haha <3
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