Sunday, August 30, 2009
5 days until I see Stephanieeee.
and.... nothing special today. Went to church, practiced a few dramas, went to Target to order more prints of pictures (16something to be exact), then came home and chilled.
oh and I don't ever want to go to Target here again. It is the craziest place in the whole world. I think it might be busier than Disneyland. No joke.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
310/365- "Live and let Live"
Your not so average teenage girl.
Wednesdays= half days for my high school every week. Which means get home early, finish homework early and then have nothing to do for a while. This is what might become of my wednesdays.
p.s. the last one is a little bit dramatic, but my back has been killing me. Like to the point where yesterday I could barely move and it hurts to sit in class. It sucks butt. But whatever.
Ok, here's the truth... I didn't take a picture for yesterday. Not one the whole day. I feel so guilty and so mad at myself. But I guess it was bound to happy huh? well it did.
Yesterday was just a crazy day. I wasnt' feeling well and had a lot on my mind. So I'm so sorry.
BUT, if I was going to take a picture yesterday this is what it would be because yesterday was picture day (maybe my most dreaded school day of the whole year) and we got our ID cards right away. This is my picture and for the first time in a while and I dont' completely hate it.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday: headed home!
Church, IN-N-OUT, left Nancys, stopped at my Aunts in Visalia to get Ramona, stopped at camp again to drop Lauren off, had dinner in Santa Cruz (just me, my brother and parents), then finally got home!
1. Laugh
2. Katie's ring
3. bored in church..=D
*we also passed through a town called Gilroy on our way down and up. Apparently it's known for it's garlic. So the WHOLE town smells like garlic. It was the best thing I have ever experienced. Just driving through, we smelled garlic everywhere. I think everyone and their mother's should at least drive through that town before they die. I seriously have never experienced anything like it before.
We left camp Saturday morning and headed to Bakersfield to spend the night at Nancy's house.
On the way we stopped by this place called 'Casa de Fruta'. It was awesome!
It was just a huge fruit stand that had a bunch of fruits, nuts, and sweeeeets. If you're ever in central California, please find it.
*we also got to spend time with Spencer... cutest baby ever!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I have SO many pictures I don't know what to do with them all. These are just some of what I put up yesterday... but I have a huge stack more!
and I know my pictures havent' been super great at all lately, but I promise I'll work on that. It's kind of stupid but I'm just running out of ideas sometimes. Some day's my mind is completely at a blank..=(
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Went to the San Francisco Zoo today with Graham, Lauren, Thijs and his friend for part of Thijs' birthday. We got there by taking the Muni from downtown area. The Muni is so cool, it's like a bus/train/subway type of thing that goes part underground and part on ground and I really liked riding it. Way better than taking the bus.
*the last picture is this REALLY scary animal thing in the petting zoo part of the zoo. It said it can grow up to 6 horns... but it just looked so freaky to us!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Today we did the trip all over again. Except this time we went up California. It still took all day and I am wiped out!
This picture isn't that good because it was taken from inside the car, but it's just of one of the bridges you have to cross to get to San Francisco.
p.s.It's day 300! That means I only have 65 more days to go!!!
Yesterday we left the house at 8am and drove to Tustin Ranch and got there around 6pm. We drove through California ALL day long. It was crazy! But Graham, my dad and I went to the church for the WMI (western music institute) final concert. I got to see a lot of my friends from Seattle and other places too. It was really fun and I was really happy. These pictures are just from around the church building. The actual concert was long, boring and WAY too hot in there, so we took some walks outside a few times.
298/365-Friday Night
Graham and I got KIDNAPPED!
But really it was Jen Arens being totally awesome and taking us out for the night. We had a scavenger hunt to do with taking pictures, then went and saw a production of My Fair Lady! It was a fun night!
The second picture is of a heart that say's LOVE. They have a few of these around the area we were at and I just love them.