Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I know I haven't been very good at keeping up with posting (or taking very legit pictures for that matter). I've just been really busy, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon. But hopefully I'll begin to have at least a little spark of creativity soon.
Yesterday I ate the best animal crackers in the WORLD! I wanted to leave a trail of them around church.. just for fun. So I asked my mom and she said that I could, I would just have to clean it up. And I was like heck no. So I didn't do it. But I thought it would be fun.
OH and I didn't take the second picture, but isn't that SO COOL! It was a total accident too. We were all wearing colors of the rainbow and thought it would be a cool picture. And there ya go!
Monday, May 25, 2009

Saturday our family hosted a house concert... at our house. It was a fantastic, crowded, hot, talented, friendly, musical night. We have so many amazing musician friends it just puts a huge smile on my face. I love it.
Like Maddie, Levi, Emily G, my daddy, Ron, Brian, Stephanie... and soooooooo many more.
214/365- UPDATED!!

ok, I know I haven't updated for a few days and for that I'm truly sorry (here you go Deryn!)
Let's see...oh yea... on Friday I hung out with Amanda, Alex, Megan and Deryn and we made a dinosaur cake to celebrate Kez and Isaac's late birthday while also watching House. It was the most amazing thing I think any of us has ever made in our entire lives. A great accomplishment!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today was great. So this is how it went..
first period: sub, third period: movie, fifth period: sub, went home and had no homework, picked up Isaac, went to Red Robbin, got free fries and shakes because the manager person was awesome, then went and saw Seven Pounds for $2 at the new Northgate movie theater. pretty pretty sweet!
Happy Birthday Isaac!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Today is: Wear purple for peace day! and I wore purple. I like that color.
Anyways... today was absolutely beautiful and I'm SO glad I spent most of it outside in the warm and sunny weather. I was made for this weather and today I was in heaven. It was great!
I got to play a lot with the flowers too, I even made a daisy chain thing out of them. But bees kept following me so I gave up on that.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Started/Finished my African art project tonight!
The first one is what the outside looks like. It's a picture of Africa and it say's "Ngi ne themba" which means "I have Hope".
Then you open it up and on the inside it spells the words "HOPE" with my Africa pictures. It looks really clustered and is kind of hard to see in the picture, but I'm going to separate them a little bit so you can actually tell what it says.
I love Africa
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Today it was so windy a tree fell down into my backyard, broke part of our fence and landed right on top of our trampoline (and killing it if you can't tell). cool huh?!
but kind of scary at the same time.Bbecause as my mom pointed out, I was just sleeping on it not too long ago. What if that happened when I was on it?? kind of freaky I'm not gonna lie
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday was non stop craziness. I wasn't feeling good at all but I still kept going and did a lot!
After church a bunch of us helped Amanda with her car wash fundraiser for her service corps trip to Hong Kong (honk for Hong Kong). It was a lot of fun. Lot's of car washing, water spraying, soapy sponges, loud music and laughter. I think we all had a great time. Oh and the last cars we washed were the two big 15 passenger vans. That took everyone's help!
Later in the day I went and hung out with the guys (Isaac, Mejee, Graham and Brad) at Richmond Beach. We had some time to spare before going to Brad's house for movie night so we just walked around the beach and then walked to his house. The beach was absolutely beautiful and I love hanging out with the guys every once in a while. It's usually more exciting, adventurous and at times more dangerous as well. But we took a lot of great pictures.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Summer and Cassie drew on my leg during lunch yesterday... a train. But a very beautiful train I might add.
At youth group we had cheez-its for snack (and chocolate milk). BAD IDEA... I can eat the whole box. Let's just say I had a lot. Man those things are amazingly delicious.
Then Katie came over and we slept on my trampoline all night. 'twas pretty awesome. It was actually pretty nice outside and felt really good. we had a good time.
oh and she also made Flags. YEAH KATIE!!! love you